Employee management is often seen as one of the easiest aspects of HR to take care of in a business. Nevertheless, in reality, this could not be further from the truth. This is one the most important aspects for an HR team to cover and is also one of the most challenging aspects of a business. After all, employees are a company’s most valuable asset, with business leaders having to manage them correctly and effectively.
Some of the core principles involved in managing employees include selecting good employees, measuring their performance, monitoring them, interacting with them, rewarding their great performance, and disciplining a lackluster performance. All of these aspects might seem simple in hindsight, but applying them to companies with more than 500 employees makes it difficult for HR to accomplish.
In this article, we will talk about all facts and information you need to know about employee relationship management. We will mentionbasic facts as well as tips to manage employees successfully. We will cover:
1. What is employee management?
2. Core principles of employee management
3. Why should companies care about employee management?
4. Key benefits of proper employee management
5. Recommended tools to help with employee management
6. How can Connect HR help you achieve a successful Employee Management?
4. Key benefits of proper Employee Management
Aside from the reasons we just mentioned, there are other benefits that good employee management can bring to a company. The 3 main benefits are:
4.1 Improves the efficiency of the company’s workflow
With good employee relationship management, you will have zero to no difficulty when streamlining workflows. You will be able to:
- Hire the best employees for each position and with the right skill set for your tasks.
- Monitor their activities and make sure everything is flowing well.
- Communicate successfully with your employees to ensure the understanding of project demands.
- Reward and encourage good employees to motivate them for their good work.
- Step in and help the team when things are not going the way the situation demands them to.
4.2 Boost employees motivation
As mentioned previously in this article, if an employee does not feel like their efforts are appreciated, they will become indifferent towards their work. Consequently, this makes them not put as much effort into their work as they would have otherwise. That is why making your employees feel appreciated goes a long way.
An employee management system can help you connect with your team on a personal level and get their feedback and opinions on various things. Furthermore, this helps them believe that their opinion is taken into account and that they are valued.
4.3 Ensures data security
With the growth of remote teams, data security has become one of the most important aspects of a company, especially if they have a remote workforce. Most businesses handle important and confidential data each day.
You might be asking yourself the question “how does managing employees help me ensure data security?” The answer is simpler than it seems. By carefully monitoring and managing employees regularly you can ensure the safety of your data. A strong system helps you keep track of documents and other data. Especially since it links each employee to the documents they are responsible for as well as reduces inefficiencies over the handling of data.
5. Recommended tools to help with Employee Management
Lastly, there are various technological tools that come in the form of employee management software whose main function involves helping you manage employees. These software applications are often used by the HR team to ensure that employee management is successfully done. Some of these tools are:
5.1 Performance monitoring tools
True to its name, these tools help you monitor how well is an employee doing, how much time they are working, etc. These kinds of tools help you monitor your employee and know:
- What tasks they are working on, including long-term or short-term tasks.
- How long they spent on each task.
- How productive they are. If an employee is taking too long to do a short task that could have been done much quicker normally, then something is not right.
5.2 Employee Management tools
HR or employee management tools are a must for anyone looking forward to implementing a good and effective HR management system into their company. These kinds of software help you centralize employee data so you can streamline your HR functions. This also makes your decision-making easier.
Most software helps you onboard new hires and manage payroll, benefits, and other HR functions in one place. They often give users access to HR experts and HR filing templates.
5.3 Communication tools
This type of employee management software helps you stay in constant contact with your team to ensure a smooth procedure. Furthermore, these apps also offer their users project-specific channels and integrations with other apps to streamline the communication process.
5.4 File-sharing tools
Keeping all the employees in your team updated and on the same page consistently is one of the most important aspects of managing employees. Cloud-based file-sharing apps allow you to keep your team informed as well as updated about the development of a project.
5.5 Project management tools
Lastly, project management tools are highly recommended for you to manage your projects and employees effectively. These applications allow you to redistribute tasks, assign items and reschedule activities to make sure everything goes smoothly.
6. How can Connect HR help you achieve a successful Employee Management?
The main objective of Connect HR is to connect with many companies across the UAE to offer them management-related services. HR management, WPS, insurance and attendance services are some of the services we offer. One of these services includes employee management. Contact us and we will employ professionals to help your company with any issue related to managing employees
Would you like to know more about employee management? Call us at + 97143316688 and you’ll talk to one of our representatives that will gladly answer all of your questions.
If you would like to submit your CV or resume, please enter it to thetalentpoint.com. CVs and resumes sent to [email protected] will not be stored. The talent point is one of the best CV and resume-related platforms, contact us now!
1. What is Employee Management?
As mentioned before, employee management is a set of processes that help company workers to perform better and achieve their business goals. It is a holistic process that covers almost all HR-related aspects such as new employee recruitment, performance management, and payroll management.
Employee relationship management does not have to be handled manually. Employee management software is defined as a comprehensive set of tools that help with the already mentioned. These tools help manage the engagement and performance of the company, also helping boost performance.
The EMS market is filled with various solutions, so narrowing it down by size does not help much. Before you choose good software to manage employees, you need to define your goals clearly. Before you choose one, you should search for software that:
- Is user friendly and easy to implement to a company
- Are cloud and mobile-friendly
- Offers audit trails and role-based access
- Comes with a self-service portal for the employees
- Connects to other 3rd party tools without a problem
- Provides automatic notifications to stakeholders
- Offers reports and insights that are dynamic and visual-rich
2. Core principles of Employee Management
As we mentioned before, employee management has a lot of core principles involved in it. These principles cover all HR-related aspects of a company as we previously mentioned. These principles are:
2.1 Hiring
Successful management of the employees in a company begins with hiring. Simply put, this is about choosing the right employees during the hiring process. As basic as a principle it might seem the hiring process is easily the most important principle. After all, without a good hiring process, your company will not get good employees, and without good employees, your company will fail.
2.2 Measuring
For each position in a company, there comes a need to understand the key metrics for it. These metrics allow you to measure the performance of an employee and determine how well they perform.
Evaluating each employees’ performance helps your employees get feedback on a regular basis. This feedback helps them adjust their work and will ensure maximum output from good employees. Furthermore, talking with your team about the way you grade their performance as well as grading on those exact metrics goes a long way. This will make you seem like a fair manager.
2.3 Interacting
Employee management not only includes their performance reviews but also includes being in tune with the team. To be in tune with the team you need to have a good and consistent line of communication with them.
This includes:
- Communicating job expectations
- Providing positive feedback when they have a good performance
- Giving constructive criticism
- Listen to their opinions
This does not mean to hover over their shoulder consistently. The more important thing to do is explain to employees why they should do things rather than how. This makes a difference between effective managers and micromanagers.
2.4 Developing
Employee turnover is painful and costly to almost all businesses in the UAE. Good employment management can increase employee retention in many ways. Developing your employees is one of these ways. With effective HR development, you can teach your team new skills by giving them the development they seek. This becomes a great benefit since you can get new and advanced skills without hiring new employees.
In this way, employee relationship management focuses more on a coaching aspect. Furthermore, seeing a worker’s skill allows you to help them get new skills that not only benefit them but also the company. It can be seen as an investment, the more you invest in your employees, the bigger their royalty will be.
2.5 Rewarding
When you monitor an employee’s performance and find out that their performance is good, compensating them is a good action to make. More often than not, managers only lean to correcting bad behavior or talking with the employee when a task is done improperly, this is a poor approach. This poor approach leads employees to equate any conversation with their manager as a negative one.
A good manager needs to deliver positive feedback when things go well for an employee. With this, we do not mean that you need to throw a party each time an employee does well, but rather, recognize their hard work from time to time. A simple “nice job!” or “I appreciate your effort” goes a long way to help soften these kinds of conversations.
2.6 Disciplining
If you reward employees for their good performance then you also need to discipline them. While this might be no manager’s favorite part, disciplining an employee is crucial to keep your team on track. Disciplining can take a lot of forms; however, most managers tend to go for progressive corrections. This means increasing the level of reprimand for each time the employee shows bad performance or bad behavior.
Having a conversation with an underperforming employee can be unpleasant or make you feel uncomfortable, but it serves 2 purposes:
- Helping the employee correct their actions and chart a part for their success
- Leaving clear that the management will not tolerate a poor performance or behavior
3. Why should companies care about Employee Management?
3.1 Prevent the cost of turnover
We already mentioned this before, but turnover costs for companies can be really costly for most companies. Averagely, employers spend 33% of a worker’s annual salary on replacing them if they decide to leave. If you this situation occurs with 100+ employees, it may result in big losses for the company. Thankfully, good employee management helps solve that problem.
Businesses often use employee management strategies to make their workforces happier, engaged, and satisfied. These strategies also employ employee management software.
3.2 Reduce absenteeism
When we mention absenteeism we refer to the practice of regularly staying away from work without an acceptable reason. Effectively managing employees has proven to reduce absenteeism among employees.
3.3 Obtain and retain top talent
This is done by company cultures shaped by careful and efficient employee relationship management. Offering and delivering benefits and rewards to high-performance employees as well as opportunities for employee training and professional development makes leaders able to connect with their employees.
3.4 Improve employee productivity
Managing your workers aims to keep a check on the company’s health and overall employee sentiment. After all, disengaged employees will not put the same effort as happy employees. This means that is crucial for you, as a manager, to make employees feel appreciated for their work. Consequently, this means that they will become happy employees and will reinforce their commitment to the company.
4. Key benefits of proper Employee Management
Aside from the reasons we just mentioned, there are other benefits that good employee management can bring to a company. The 3 main benefits are:
4.1 Improves the efficiency of the company’s workflow
With good employee relationship management, you will have zero to no difficulty when streamlining workflows. You will be able to:
- Hire the best employees for each position and with the right skill set for your tasks.
- Monitor their activities and make sure everything is flowing well.
- Communicate successfully with your employees to ensure the understanding of project demands.
- Reward and encourage good employees to motivate them for their good work.
- Step in and help the team when things are not going the way the situation demands them to.
4.2 Boost employees motivation
As mentioned previously in this article, if an employee does not feel like their efforts are appreciated, they will become indifferent towards their work. Consequently, this makes them not put as much effort into their work as they would have otherwise. That is why making your employees feel appreciated goes a long way.
An employee management system can help you connect with your team on a personal level and get their feedback and opinions on various things. Furthermore, this helps them believe that their opinion is taken into account and that they are valued.
4.3 Ensures data security
With the growth of remote teams, data security has become one of the most important aspects of a company, especially if they have a remote workforce. Most businesses handle important and confidential data each day.
You might be asking yourself the question “how does managing employees help me ensure data security?” The answer is simpler than it seems. By carefully monitoring and managing employees regularly you can ensure the safety of your data. A strong system helps you keep track of documents and other data. Especially since it links each employee to the documents they are responsible for as well as reduces inefficiencies over the handling of data.
5. Recommended tools to help with Employee Management
Lastly, there are various technological tools that come in the form of employee management software whose main function involves helping you manage employees. These software applications are often used by the HR team to ensure that employee management is successfully done. Some of these tools are:
5.1 Performance monitoring tools
True to its name, these tools help you monitor how well is an employee doing, how much time they are working, etc. These kinds of tools help you monitor your employee and know:
- What tasks they are working on, including long-term or short-term tasks.
- How long they spent on each task.
- How productive they are. If an employee is taking too long to do a short task that could have been done much quicker normally, then something is not right.
5.2 Employee Management tools
HR or employee management tools are a must for anyone looking forward to implementing a good and effective HR management system into their company. These kinds of software help you centralize employee data so you can streamline your HR functions. This also makes your decision-making easier.
Most software helps you onboard new hires and manage payroll, benefits, and other HR functions in one place. They often give users access to HR experts and HR filing templates.
5.3 Communication tools
This type of employee management software helps you stay in constant contact with your team to ensure a smooth procedure. Furthermore, these apps also offer their users project-specific channels and integrations with other apps to streamline the communication process.
5.4 File-sharing tools
Keeping all the employees in your team updated and on the same page consistently is one of the most important aspects of managing employees. Cloud-based file-sharing apps allow you to keep your team informed as well as updated about the development of a project.
5.5 Project management tools
Lastly, project management tools are highly recommended for you to manage your projects and employees effectively. These applications allow you to redistribute tasks, assign items and reschedule activities to make sure everything goes smoothly.
6. How can Connect HR help you achieve a successful Employee Management?
The main objective of Connect HR is to connect with many companies across the UAE to offer them management-related services. HR management, WPS, insurance and attendance services are some of the services we offer. One of these services includes employee management. Contact us and we will employ professionals to help your company with any issue related to managing employees
Would you like to know more about employee management? Call us at + 97143316688 and you’ll talk to one of our representatives that will gladly answer all of your questions.
If you would like to submit your CV or resume, please enter it to thetalentpoint.com. CVs and resumes sent to [email protected] will not be stored. The talent point is one of the best CV and resume-related platforms, contact us now!